The Doctor's Art:
Life and Loss in Transplant
The former director of the Lung and Heart-Lung Transplant Program at Stanford Medicine shares stories of triumph and failure in the high-stakes world of lung transplantation.
Healthy Wealthy Smart
A Transplant Doctor's Journey on Organ Transplants, Burnout, & Work-Life Balance
In this episode, Dr. Weill shares his experiences working with lung transplant patients, including the emotional ups and downs of the job. He also discusses the close relationships formed with the families of patients, which can be both rewarding and difficult. The conversation sheds light on the complexity of lung transplants and the importance of organ donation.
I'm Still Here with TLC
How to find Balance with Lung Transplant Doctor David Weill
An interview with Lung Transport Doctor and author of "Exhale: Hope, Healing & a Life in Transplant" Dr. David Weill. A great discussion on finding balance in life during stress-filled times. David found his heart opening even more throughout his journey.
The Spiritual Forum Podcast
Exhale: Hope, Healing and Life in Transplant
Dr. David Weill shares his transformative journey from control to authenticity in the face of life and death decisions. His riveting memoir, "Exhale: Hope, Healing, and a Life in Transplant," uncovers the ego's addiction to control and the profound insights gained from his experiences, offering a compelling exploration of the human side of medicine. Discover his story and delve into topics such as the need for systemic change, the power of connection, and the healing potential of writing in this thought-provoking podcast episode.
10 physician memoirs that offer inspiring accounts of life in medicine
AMA members outline some of their favorite memoirs that will give medical students and physicians a broader glimpse into life as a doctor.
In discussion with The Doctors on CBS
Who Makes the Life and Death Decisions Regarding Organ Transplants?
Over 106,000 men, women and children are on the national transplant waiting list. 17 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant. New film “The God Committee,” looks at the almost impossible decision doctors need to make about which patients receive viable organs. Author of “Exhale,” Dr. David Weill joins The Doctors to discuss the realities of these decisions.
Author Talk
2022 Well-Being Summit - Inhale, Exhale and Engage: Harnessing Happiness, Joy & Resilience in Healthcare
Keynote Presentation by David Weill at Kern Institute's 2022 Well-Being Summit
Interview with Michael F. Myers, MD
It's About Physician Humanity, Not Burnout
In this 2-part series, Psychiatrist and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at SUNY-Downstate Health Sciences University in Brooklyn, New York, Michael F Myers, MD, DLFAPA, interviews novelist and transplant surgery specialist, David Weill, MD, about his book Exhale: Hope, Healing, and Life in Transplant that focuses on physician burnout and how it impacts mental health.
A Special Appearance on The Doctors
Why Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Is Part of a Successful Organ Transplant Plan
Organ transplant surgeon Dr. David Weill shares that transplant programs are all about success, which is why they ask cigarette smokers to stop smoking before a lung transplant.
An Interview with Allen Cardoza
Answer Network Episode 663
Hear David Weill and Allen Cardoza in conversation about David's memoir.
Author Talk at Harvard Library
Three Perspectives, One Purpose: Why Medicine Needs Memoir
Author Talk
Dr. David Weill at Santa Clara City Library
Event hosted on Thursday, August 12 via Zoom. Dr. David Weill reads and discusses his new book, "Exhale: Hope, Healing, and A Life in Transplant."
Interviewed on Conversations with Kim Carson
Dr. David Weill, Transplant Doctor and Author of EXHALE: Hope, Healing and a Life in Transplant
Dr. David Weill spent 20 years as the director of numerous transplant programs, most notably 11 years at Stanford. His book: EXHALE: Hope, Healing, and a Life in Transplant is a riveting and heartfelt inside look at the world of high-stakes medicine and the toll a life in transplant took on one of the most successful transplant doctors in the country. EXHALE also dives deep into hospital politics, health care system inequities, and ethics that determine who gets life-saving transplants and who does not.

Included in Book Riot's
10 Impactful Books About Public Health
People don’t often think of organ donation and transplants as a public health issue, but it is. This memoir is an inside look at Stanford’s transplant program: the medical side, the personal side, and the human, relational side. This is a book about not only the patients and families, but also about the doctors and the effect of their work on the rest of their lives. Weill’s decision to leave the program was not made lightly, and this book explains the factors that informed his decision.
Interviewed for Literary Hub
A Witness to the Human Experience: Why Medicine Needs Storytellers
David Weill, MD, on the Journey from Medicine to Writing
In Conversation on
Next Gen Personal Finance
Dr. David Weill on restoring that work-life balance after a career in transplant
Featured Guest on
Mikhaila Peterson Podcast, Epidose 81
Mikhaila and Dr. David Weill discuss logistical problems specific to organ transplant healthcare. He talks to Mikhaila about his growing concerns in the medical field related to the misallocation of resources and the high rate of burnout in transplant doctors. Weill lays out his idea for a more sustainable system that would provide more organs for transplant, and additionally reduce rates of burnout in doctors while improving the level of surgical care rendered to transplant patients.

Featured Excerpt from
'Exhale' on
Read a selected excerpt as chosen by social media's leading physician voice.

David Weill on
Sirius/XM - Doctor Radio
discussing the impact of COVID-19 on lung transplants
Transplant doctor says job is rewarding, but emotional
A former transplant surgeon said more people could get the lifesaving organs they need if hospital programs and surgical teams were set up differently. He said organ shortages are not always the problem. He explains that, and a very personal story about physician burnout in a new book, “Exhale: Hope, Healing, and a Life in Transplant.“

in discussion on Fox News Live
New UK study examines impact on lungs from COVID
'Exhale' author Dr. David Weill joins 'FOX News Live' to discuss how COVID affects the lungs

Interviewed for NBC News
Covid disease damage leading to 'completely new category' of organ transplants
Hospitals grapple with a growing group of patients whose organs — most often hearts and lungs — are "basically destroyed by the virus." In a year when Covid-19 shattered the pleas of so many who prayed for miracles, a Georgia man with two new lungs is among the fortunate.

Book Review
By Beth Bailey In The Federalist
The crowning achievement of Weill’s memoir is that its deepest messages are truly universal. We need to examine the effects of workplace cultures that award badges of honor for jam-packed schedules and long overtime hours. Everyone from high-level executives to stay-at-home moms like myself can appreciate how our busy-ness and distractions keep us from being present with those we love.

Review by Jim Gleason for
Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO)
Sometimes I judge a book by how long it takes to read it, and by that measure, this is one of my all-time favorites... While not a fast reader, I found myself drawn in like a victim sinking in quicksand, unable to put it down, finished reading its engaging 333 pages within one day. That’s how good it is, be forewarned (smile).

Q&A with Fotis Georgiadis of
Authority Magazine
Aristotle said, “In order to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.” It takes courage to speak your mind, to share a message you believe in with the world, even if unpopular. I write in my book Exhale about the times that I have had to say “hard truths” to my bosses, in order to see change happen. It’s hard to do this and, from my experience, not always well-received. Nonetheless, if each of us wants to make a difference, at times that involves saying things that folks sometimes don’t want to hear. But it’s the right thing to do.